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Our Trust of Schools

Welcome to the PTA!

Last year we enjoyed so many activities with your children. We have seen their fantastic dance moves at the discos, seen the awe in their eyes when Santa visited their classrooms, watched them shine at sports day and so much more.

We raised money that has provided thermo-plastic playground activities that cost £2,500, we ordered playground equipment to the value of £1,500, purchased a gazebo of our own to help provide shelter at events and we still have a forwarding balance of £1300!

We would like to say a HUGE thankyou to each and every one of you for your donated time, prizes and answered requests or purchased from us. You all make a difference.

This year our fundraising ideas include purchasing our own bouncy castle and improve the back playground and much more.

We still need YOU! Please contact [email protected] if you are unable to attend our meetings but would like to help out at events.