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Our Trust of Schools


Cranbrook Education Campus School Uniform Policy

The Governors and staff of Cranbrook Education Campus believe that a school uniform plays a valuable role in contributing to the ethos of a school; setting a standard and instilling pride. The uniform items fulfil the criteria of clothing that is suitable, comfortable and affordable for an effective learning and teaching setting in a safe and healthy environment.

Governors accept their responsibilities under the Sex Discrimination Act 1975, Human Rights Act 1998, and Disability Discrimination Act 1995 and appreciate that the school uniform should not discriminate on grounds of race, religion, sex or culture.


Through our uniform and dress code we aim to:

  • Encourage pride in the Campus
  • Support teaching and learning
  • Enable students to be comfortable, safe and secure
  • Encourage a sense of equality and belonging to the Campus community
  • Protect pupils from social pressures to dress in a particular way
  • Support parents to provide an efficient and value for money dress code for their children
  • Ensure that students from different social, religious and ethnic groups feel welcome.

Students in the primary and secondary phases are expected to arrive in school and to leave the premises in full uniform.

Duties of Teachers Concerning Uniform

Class teachers in primary and form tutors in secondary, will check that uniforms are suitable at the start of the school day. Checks should also be made by all teachers at the start of all lessons throughout Secondary. These checks should be brief and expected part of the start of lessons, often they will be so routine, they will not be obvious to people observing lessons. Permission may be given to remove blazers depending on room temperature.

The maintenance of a high standard of school uniform is the responsibility of every member of staff. The purpose of this policy is to ensure all members of the school community are clear on expectations and they are consistently applied.

Whole Campus Non Negotiables

The following notes are intended to provide guidance in some situations and are not exhaustive. Please contact the Campus if you require any further clarification.


Only minimal jewellery is allowed: a watch and stud earrings.

Students may wear one pair of small and discreet studs in their ear lobes. Only one stud is allowed in each ear lobe. No other piercings (e.g. eyebrow, nose, tongue) or spacers, including clear or retaining piercings, are permitted.

Any pupil who is found to be wearing an item of jewellery will be given a red card and expected to remove it. The particular item could be confiscated from the pupil, placed in an envelope marked with the pupil’s name and form and given to pupil services for safe keeping in line with the confiscation protocol set out in the behaviour policy. Any refusal to remove inappropriate uniform, jewellery or make up will be followed up using sanctions in the school behaviour policy and treated as defiant behaviour.


There are no specific uniform regulations regarding length or style of hair. Hair should, however, be tidy, of reasonable appearance and of such length that there is no risk of getting it caught. In Primary, if your hair is shoulder length or longer then it is required to be tied back and fringes should not impede vision.

Hair bobbles, bands and clips need to be simple, small and plain. Pupils wearing brightly coloured and highly ornamental items will be asked to remove them.

Students should not have patterns or logos shaved into their hair and hair should not be of a colour that could be described as unnatural

In some practical lessons, long hair may have to be tied back for reasons of safety or hygiene.

Religious Items

Certain items of religious jewellery and headwear may be worn on the Campus premises and within the Campus buildings if these are a requirement of the holy book of that religion. The following additional requirements must be followed:

  • The wearer is a practising member of that religion;
  • Jewellery should be small in size, of simple design and worn so it cannot be seen;
  • Headwear is plain, not patterned and either white or black. Girl’s headscarves should not have tassels, fringes or be fastened with brightly coloured clips;
  • Clothing must be such that students can be facially identified and, the face is not obscured in any way. This is for reasons of school security, to foster a sense of social cohesion and in order to discharge essential communication skills in education.

Students in incorrect uniform

Any student not wearing the correct uniform should be sent to pupil services where they can borrow the correct item of uniform when available and they will receive a red card break detention. In Secondary, students wishing to borrow an item of uniform are asked to exchange it for a piece of their property eg: mobile phone or house keys that will be returned when they return the tie.

Students should remove items that are not correct uniform unless, of course, their removal would inappropriately expose parts of the body. In such a situation, secondary students may be sent to Reset and the parent/carer telephoned.

Nursery & Pre-School Dress Code

Please ensure that all items of clothing and footwear are clearly labelled.

Our Nursery students wear grey Nursery school sweatshirts and dark green t-shirts as available from Honiton Sports Shop. We encourage children to wear these items, as being in Nursery is often very messy and this protects your children’s home clothes. It also gives the children a sense of belonging and community.

In order to allow freedom of movement and to encourage children to be relaxed and able to take part in a range of outdoor and “messy” activities parents are encouraged to dress their children in plain dark or grey leggings or trousers. (It is also very helpful as children get used to using the toilet independently to have clothing which is easy for them to remove themselves).

Sensible footwear should be worn, and we ask you to provide a pair of wellies and a waterproof coat every day as we learn outside regardless of weather.   At least one change of clothing should also be provided daily in a bag labelled with your child’s name.

To ensure your child can see clearly and to protect against the spread of head lice, hair that is shoulder length and below needs to be tied back.

Primary Dress Code

Please ensure that all items of clothing and footwear are clearly labelled.

(a) Jumpers or Cardigans

Grey sweatshirt with school logo or grey cardigan with the school logo.

(b) Shirts

A plain white polo shirt or a polo shirt with the school logo.

(c) Style of Trousers

Trousers should be plain grey. They need to be classic cut; reasonably loose fitting and should not be tight or trail on the floor. They should not be skinny jeans, skinny trousers, stretchy trousers, or leggings. They should not be flared or bellbottoms, jeans, canvas, corduroy, turn-ups or chino style.

If belts are worn, they should be narrow and plain black with a small buckle. Logos on belts are unacceptable. Plain grey, black or white socks must be worn with trousers. 

(d) Skirts

Skirts should be grey and knee-length, with no pattern or additional colours visible on the skirt. Skirts can be A-line or straight but should not be tight fitting, stretchy or “skater” skirts. If belts are worn, they should be narrow and plain black with a small buckle. Logos on belts are unacceptable. Skirts must be worn with grey or black tights or plain grey, black or white socks. 

Short black leggings or shorts can be worn under skirts if students are likely to carry out handstands at playtime, these should not be visible below the line of their school skirt.

(e) Jackets

Coats, jackets or other articles of clothing must not be worn over or under school uniform during class time. Coats and jackets may be worn on the way to school and at playtimes but must be removed immediately on entering the school buildings.

(f) Shoes

All students should wear plain black low-heeled shoes with black soles and black laces or velcro. Please avoid sending children in lace up shoes if they are unable to tie them independently.

No flip-flops, Ugg style boots, or knee/ankle boots are not permitted. In exceptional cases, alternative footwear might be allowed if the foot has been bandaged or plastered and a letter from a doctor can be shown explaining the necessity for such footwear.

(g) Make-Up

No makeup or nail varnish is allowed in the primary phase. Children will be asked to wash off makeup and to remove nail varnish on arrival. Fake tattoos are not allowed in school.

(h) Hair

Hair bobbles, bands and clips need to be small, simple and plain. Pupils wearing brightly coloured and highly ornamental items will be asked to remove them.

(i) Hats, Gloves & Scarves

Hats and gloves are not part of the school uniform and should not be worn within the Campus buildings at any time.

(j) PE Kit

All children including Reception classes should have suitable PE kit, all named. On the day your child has PE, they should wear their kit into school. The kit should include:

  • 1 x pair of suitable PE shoes (plimsolls or trainers)
  • 1 x pair of shorts or jogging bottoms in black
  • 1 x t shirt in the colour of your child’s school house (Badger – purple, Fox – red, Hare – yellow, Otter – light blue). This does not need to have the school logo.
  • 1 x jumper in case of cold weather and outdoor PE

Optional but recommended – spare pants, tights (as appropriate) and a second pair of shorts in case of any ‘accidents’

Secondary Dress Code

(a) Blazers/Jumper

A grey blazer or grey jumper with the Cranbrook Education Campus logo should be worn over shirts during the colder winter season. 

(b) Shirts

A plain white shirt with collar and buttons up to the neck, tucked into trousers or skirt (not a polo shirt). Any t-shirts worn underneath the shirt must be white and not showing.

(c) Style of Trousers

Trousers should be plain grey. They need to be classic cut; reasonably loose fitting and should not be tight or trail on the floor. They should not be skinny jeans, skinny trousers, stretchy trousers, or leggings. They should not be flared or bell-bottoms, jeans, canvas or corduroy, turn-ups or chino style.

If belts are worn, they should be narrow and plain black with a small buckle. Logos on belts are unacceptable. Plain grey, black or white socks must be worn with trousers

All pupils are allowed to wear knee-length grey shorts. These need to be plain, tailored and not tight-fitting. They must be worn with plain grey, black or white socks. 

(d) Skirts

All pupils may wear a grey knee-length pleated or A-line skirt instead of trousers, with no pattern or additional colours visible on the skirt. If a pupil attends school wearing a skirt that does not meet the uniform policy, we will liaise with parents/carers and they will be required to wear one of our regulation skirts which will be kept in stock at the Campus. If belts are worn, they should be narrow and plain black with a small buckle. Logos on belts are unacceptable. Skirts must be worn with grey or black tights or plain grey, black or white socks. - If pupils need to wear socks over their tights, then they must be plain black. 

(e) Jackets

Coats, jackets (other than school blazers or jumpers) or other articles of clothing must not be worn over or under school uniform in school time. Coats and jackets may be worn on the way to school but must be removed immediately on entering the school buildings.

(f) Jumpers/Blazers

A grey jumper or blazer with the Cranbrook Education Campus logo should be worn over shirts during the colder winter season. During days when pupils have PE, they can either wear their grey school jumper or the optional branded PE jumper/fleece. 

(g) Shoes

All pupils must wear full leather style (polishable leather alternatives will be fine) and black shoes. However, we will allow any full leather (or leather alternative) shoe including a range of brands mentioned by you in our consultation. These will include Dr Marten’s, Kickers, Vans and Converse. No flip-flops, Ugg style boots, or knee/ankle boots When you are purchasing shoes for the new academic year, if you are concerned the pair you are going to purchase might not meet our uniform expectations, then please email us with a picture or link to [email protected]  and we will confirm if they meet the policy expectations. No trainers of any kind unless there is a medical need which is supported by a medical professional.

(h) Ties

All pupils should wear either the correct house tie or plain green school tie during the school day unless permission has been specifically given to remove it. Any pupil who is not wearing a tie should be asked to borrow one as a temporary measure.

(i) Make-Up

Make-up should be very discreet.

  • Nails – no false nails due to health and safety (PE)

(j) Hats, Gloves & Scarves

Hats and gloves are not part of the school uniform and should not be worn within the Campus buildings at any time.

(k) School Bags

All students must carry a large school bag/rucksack that is capable of holding a number of A4 folders and textbooks. Handbags are not suitable for meeting this requirement.

PE Kit

The compulsory item for all pupils is the black and green unisex/girl fit PE polo shirt.

  • The school branded zip PE top, shorts or skort is optional.
  • Any plain, black tracksuit bottoms, shorts or skorts can be worn. 
  • Any coloured trainers are allowed for PE.

Our Uniform can be purchased from:

There are lots of local Buy and Sale options available too