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Our Trust of Schools

Secondary Clubs & Trips

This academic year we have relaunched our Extra-Curricular Opportunities Programme. The programme encompasses three different types of activity, which are summarised below:



For more detail about each type of activity, please see below.

Regular in-school clubs:

As part of the normal school day, we offer a selection of clubs and activities at break, lunch and after school. Most of these are free and are run by our Secondary Staff, giving everyone the opportunity to take part in a wide range of different activities. Pupils are reminded of these clubs in their Tutor time briefings three times a week.

You can find our current In-School Club timetable below:

Unique off-site trips:

Occasionally pupils may get the opportunity to attend trips away from the Campus. These might be related to a specific subject (such as Geography Field Trips) or non-curriculum trips such as visits to further education providers like Exeter College.